It is going to be an emotional day for me. The Grand Finale of the 20th Annual Maxine DeHart – United Way, Ramada Hotel Drive-Thru Breakfast is Thursday, October 11th. It’s going to be a huge party from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. I am very over-whelmed that an anonymous donor has come forward and is generously matching donations from the website up to $20,000.00. If you cannot attend the Drive-Thru or you would like to donate on-line, please open your hearts and wallets and make a donation on the website. Don’t worry; it’s a very secure web-site. It would be incredible if we could raise $40.000.00 for our community from just that site. Remember, all monies raised stay right here in our community.
On Thursday morning you will see the RCMP directing traffic on Enterprise Way. You will also see other traffic volunteers in the parking lot of the Ramada directing you to all the fun. Watch for the Pro-Sign signs for directions. Many sponsors will be giving out goodies in the line-up including RE/MAX, RONA, TELUS, Dairy Queen, Art Evolution and Coca-Cola, Chances and Culligan, along with other sponsors giving out coupons, Okanagan Woman Magazine and other items.
The media have once again come together this year, including of course, The Kelowna Capital News, KelownaNow, Castanet and Global TV. You will see live Bell Media’s Andy and TJ from EZ ROCK 101-5 at the Perkins corner, B Mack and Karly of 99.9 SUN FM on Enterprise Way and Phil Johnson of 1150AM will be tuning in with me all morning.
The British Columbia Dragoons will be bringing the new huge tactical unit and will also giving out hundreds of items donated by Dave Kainth of Deal Centre Liquidation. This year, you might be lucky to win one of the many grand prizes in the bags from WESTJET, Heritage Office Furnishings, London Drugs, Creative Mortgage, Sleep Country, Bluestar Bus, Pacific Coastal Airlines, Big White, Papa John’s Pizza, Mario’s Towing, P. J. Party Cakes, Interstate All Battery Centre, Nature’s Fare, Care Dental, Flair Air, Turner Volkswagen, Skogie’s Auto Wash, U-Haul, IGA, CapriCMW, Live Well Exercise Clinic, Michelle Urbanovitch, GIA Gemologist, Urban Systems, Inspire Property Management, Mario’s Towing, O Spa, Canadian Home Builders-Okanagan, Haven Mattress, RONA,WASTE Connections Canada, Orchard Park and Mattress Mattress just to mention a few.
Tim Horton’s will be brewing up their famous coffee, along with receiving Tim-bits in your bag and this year they have added hundreds of dollars of gift certificates to go into the bags. As usual, the staff at Interior Savings will be handing out their logo’d breakfast bags and have also donated $2,000.00.
In the bags you will find products from Sun-Rype, BC Tree Fruits, Powerplant, Costco, Kellogg’s, Dairyland, Kozy Shack, Old Dutch, and much more. You might even get a tooth brush from Kelowna Family Dental or KLO Dental. The kid’s bags will be filled with goodies from Loadza Toys, McDonalds, Pacific Coastal and Papa John’s Pizza along with other gift from Deal Centre Liquidation.
For 20 years the local lawyers, headed up by Ron Labossier will be cleaning your car windows along with the Kelowna Chiefs and Okanagan Sun Football. You will see me either running around to greet you or in the beautiful golf cart supplied by Carts Plus each year. I have pink polka-dot pajamas to wear this year.
The entire business community has come forward with gift certificate, products and goodies. If you still would like to donate, believe me it will not be turned down. Give me a call at 250-862-7662. As always, thank you for all your support.
Birthdays of the week – Irene Morrison (Oct. 11); Virginia Pisio (Oct. 10); Mona Hennenfent (Oct. 11); Rosy Agostino (Oct. 12); Diana Warnock, my sister-in-law (Oct. 12); Cecilia Jans (Oct12); Teresa Hodge (Oct. 13); Brenda Kraberger (Oct. 14); Mac Leitch (Oct. 14); Colin Partridge (Oct. 16); Jerry Cronquist (Oct. 14); Gord Brennan (Oct.19); Charlotte Springgate (Oct. 19).
Maxine DeHart is a Kelowna City Councillor and local hotelier. Phone her at 250-979-4546, fax 250-860-3173, E-mail [email protected].